Hola! Two weekends ago I finally, finally organized my linen closet. My small linen closet. Stashed in the middle of all those towels and sheets were my husband's and son's ball caps. Yep, they occupied an entire shelf along with a plastic bin of candles. Totally does not make sense and I am embarrassed to say it has been like this since we first moved into our house. The hubs did not have anywhere to put his few ball caps so he stored them in the linen closet "for the mean time" and eleven years later the ball caps multiplied and never found that permanent home. Enter the Perfect Curve Cap Rack 36 System and my boys' ball caps now look like this:
Before they looked like this in the linen closet:
Since it was my mission to organize the linen closet, I also had to find a new and permanent home for all of those baseball caps. I found the cap rack system at Bed, Bath and Beyond for $19.99 and I used my $5 off coupon so it was just over $15 total. A coupon girl I am.
I dumped all the caps on the floor and assigned the "Keeping & Donating" duty to my son since the hubby was not home. He was happy to oblige and have a little bit of power. :)
It took longer than I thought to assemble this thing because you have to force each individual cap holder onto the black rope. Having to force "snap or pop" it into place took a few minutes on the first two but then I got the hang of it. Once you pop it into place you can adjust each holder up and down as much as you need.
Place the hook wherever you desire on the closet door, attach bungee-like rope (there is no attachment for the rope to place at the bottom of the door.
Here is what one of the ball cap holders looks like once snapped on the rope.
I found it easier to put a holder on the rope, insert a cap and then move onto the next. This way I could tell how much room I needed for the next cap. Here is what each holder looks like once on the rope and with a cap in it. You fold the back of the ball cap in and then slide it underneath the top clip (it opens up slightly without resistance).
Bottom view:
Each clip holds up to three caps but I did not want to do that and since we pretty much got rid of half the ball caps, each cap was able to be on its own without any roommates. :)
Mama is happy and once I finished the cap rack project I started working on the linen closet. I'm an organizing fool right now! :)
A wife, a mom jotting down this and that, that and this while living in my hometown of Austin, Texas.
Dallas Cowboys Yarn Wreath {Craft DIY}
Happy September, everyone! I love this month not only because it means that Fall is around the corner but because it is also my birth month. I turned 38 a week ago and I'm embracing my new age just like I do every other age. Go me! :)
Anywho, let's get down to it shall we? September also means the start of football season so what better way to kick it off then with a little pride of our favorite NFL team. Yep, yep! This week I thought I would show off a wreath I made at my boy's request. He wanted some Dallas Cowboys decor and a wreath was the first thing that came to my mind. I did not want it to be too girly so this is the best that I could create in my mind and the execution wasn't too bad. I mean he does like it so I guess that's good, right?
I present to you my Dallas Cowboys yarn wreath.
After making this Valentine yarn wreath I said I would never do one again but I figured that making a football wreath out of yarn would be better than ribbon. Well at least for the boys in my house. Of course this ain't no manly wreath (is there such a thing?) but my goal was to not make it too girly.
Here is what I used:
- 1 14" foam wreath
- "I Love This Yarn" in Denim (I think)
- White wood chip letters
- Silver and blue glitter card stock paper
- Bling adhesive in light blue
- Football wood chip decor
*all items were purchased at Hobby Lobby or Michael's either on sale or with a coupon*
I wrapped the yarn around the wreath a total of three (3) times and I used my all time favorite craft glue to glue down the end piece.
I wrapped the yarn around the wreath a total of three (3) times and I used my all time favorite craft glue to glue down the end piece.
I then got to work on the the star. I did my best to recreate the infamous Dallas Cowboys star and I even used the same star print-out that I used when I made my charger decor plates. The print-out I used had a thick black line around it so I used the whole star for the silver star; I then cut out the black line and used the solid white star to cut out a blue star. I hope that all made sense. I then used the craft glue to stick 'em together and let the stars set while I got to work on the letters. By the way, I traced the stars on the back side of each card stock.
I could not decide what letters to use until I put them next to each other. Clearly one set was too girly and way too small for the wreath. You can't tell in the first picture but the bottom letters are glittery, small and girly. Remember we are avoiding girly here. Oh but wait I added some bling to the wood chip letters I chose. Oopies. :)
Oh and I used the same craft glue on the letters and the football.
As for the star, I used a very small hole punch and some white string so that it could hang from the wreath. I punched a hole at the very top of the star threaded the string through it and tied it around the wreath bring the star to top as much as possible. The string is thing enough that it blends in well with the yarn and kinda looks invisible. You really can't tell but I used more craft glue to pat down a small section of the string so that it would not spin around constantly. I wanted the star to only face one direction so I thought that using a bit of glue would prevent it from spinning every time the front door was opened and closed.
I let it all dry and set for a good 24 hours before I hung it on our front door. I admit that it did not turn out as "neat-o" as I wanted it to but I got a thumbs up from my hubby and my boy. And some of my friends like it too. Yay! And Go Cowboys!
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